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It’s like selling library books, only dumber.

Go here to read about the Tiffany design exec who “checked out” millions worth of jewelry and then sold it. Did she think nobody would ever ask where all those necklaces were? It’s like selling library books, only dumber. #TiffanyTheft

Posted in Amusement, Fiddling & Time Wasters

Bendable Cheese Grater

This easy-to-clean design is by Italian designer Ely Rozenberg. Learn more: here.

Posted in Industrial Design

Motorola needs your social media logins, apparently.

Got a Motorola Droid? You are probably sending all your login data back to Motorola over an unencrypted HTTP channel.

Posted in Amusement

MySQL bug turns 7.

Happy 7th birthday MySQL bug #20786!

Posted in Amusement

F*ck You. Pay Me.

Thank you Mike Montiero.

Posted in Amusement, Design Ethics, Actions & Impact, Employment, Persons of Interest, Resources, Vocation & Profession, Web & App Developers