Blog Archives

All of Us or None: Social Justice Posters of the San Francisco Bay Area

This Oakland Museum of California exhibition is runs through August 19th.

Posted in Design Ethics, Actions & Impact, Design History, Event, Mad Props, Stuff To Do, Visual Concepts

Another Interesting Opensource Mapping Script

“Nope, that’s not the true size of Greenland.” Open, Forkable, NOT Google Based, and some 3D: What’s not to love?

Posted in Technical Geekery, Useful Code, User Interface Design, Visual Concepts, Vocation & Profession

Case Study: Water Conservation Guide

It’s a handbook of water management for engineers, architects, and plumbers. And it’s gorgeous!

Posted in Color Theory, Copywriting, Design Ethics, Actions & Impact, Design History, Design Theory, Drawing, PrePress, Repost From Cited Source, Typography, Visual Concepts

Retro Illustration Tutorial

“To achieve a retro effect, try drawing your lines with the Brush tool and then cross-hatching back over them with the Eraser tool.”

Posted in Artists & Designers, Color Theory, Design History, Drawing, Packaging, Repost From Cited Source, Tutorial, Typography, Visual Concepts

Simulate any User Agent or Bot

Not a UI/UX dream but excellent emulations. Catches stuff others don’t.

Posted in Education, Mad Props, Technical Geekery, User Interface Design, Vocation & Profession, Web