Blog Archives

Sewn Sentiment

Therese Sennerholt has a thought.

Posted in Artists & Designers, Copywriting, Typography, Visual Concepts

Your Screen Lies! Lies! Lies!

Follow this handy soft calibration tutorial for Macs!

Posted in Education, PrePress, Tutorial, Vocation & Profession

Staring Mike Daisey as Upton Sinclair

Maybe he didn’t see it all himself, but if it’s documented fact, why are we quibbling?

Posted in Action!, Design Ethics, Actions & Impact

Business Card Ideas

Herein lies o’r a score of business card ideas.

Posted in Amusement, Cleverness & Wit, Color Theory, Craftiness, Design Theory, Drawing, Portfolio Workshop, Typography, Visual Concepts, Vocation & Profession

Portland Vibe

Portland is the new northern California and west coast Brooklyn in one! If you are an under-employed designer with a bicycle, a rice-wine pickle recipe, and a dream, move there right away! In the meantime, read: What McDonald’s And Ikea

Posted in Amusement, Fiddling & Time Wasters