Blog Archives

Put on yer old css goggles.

A helpful tool for viewing CSS3 sites rendered in CSS2. Great to check backwards compatibility.

Posted in Resources, Technical Geekery, Vocation & Profession, Web

How NOT to do it.

Duplicate Finder Utility for Mac. $10. (Oh, and I want a free copy. #GeminiApp #MacPaw)

Posted in Editorial, Technical Geekery

Base 10 to Binary

Geekery. Geekery. Geekery. Remember that rounding error scam in the movie Office Space? It’s sorta like that.

Posted in Amusement, Fiddling & Time Wasters, Technical Geekery

Awesome Thread (Permanent 301 Redirect)

Awesome thread. It’s five years old and incredibly relevant for those who are moving sites and want to maintain page rank.

Posted in Amusement, Education, Mad Props, Repost From Cited Source, Technical Geekery, Tutorial, Vocation & Profession, Web

Package Design Awards – Call For Entries

Submit your 2011 masterpieces now. (psst… DxD, Parliamentarians, Mr. R-R, and Teresa without an “h”, this means you!)

Posted in Call For Entries, Opportunity, Packaging