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This sort of plug and play programming is enormously helpful in opening application development to a wider demographic.

Posted in Amusement, Design Ethics, Actions & Impact

Photoshop and Kinect?

SilberStudios found this great little video showing how interactive systems can be used with gigapixel images. How long before we are navigating gigapixel movies in a similar fashion? (Thanks to Jack K. for the tip!)

Posted in Design Ethics, Actions & Impact, Design History, Visual Concepts

When Bad Websites Happen to Good People

10 fabulous steps to creating sites that work well can be found here: When Bad Websites Happen to Good People.

Posted in Visual Concepts, Web

Kulula Air

(Great find from

Posted in Cleverness & Wit, Design Ethics, Actions & Impact, Typography, Visual Concepts

Newhouse Books: Awesome

Check out a vast library of scanned ephemera!

Posted in Amusement, Artists & Designers, Cleverness & Wit, Color Theory, Design History, Design Theory, Drawing, Fiddling & Time Wasters, Persons of Interest, Typography, Visual Concepts