Blog Archives

Draw that fake beard!

Robin Page is a good illustrator.

Posted in Amusement, Artists & Designers, Drawing, Visual Concepts

Google+: The Complete Guide

Google+: The Complete Guide.

Posted in Education, Web

Who’s down with OED? (Yeah you know, me!)

Wordnik: All the Words. and Save the Words Both amusing.

Posted in Amusement, Cleverness & Wit, Fiddling & Time Wasters, Typography, Visual Concepts, Web

You are a designer, not a mathematician. -or- Dummy Credit Card Numbers for eStore Designers

Backend ecommerce testing is the fly, atop the frosting on your cake. It’s built. It’s beautiful. You love it. And you had better make sure all the shopping cart functions work before you hand your client the keys, eh.

Posted in Mad Props, Repost From Cited Source, Technical Geekery, Vocation & Profession, Web

A Designer’s Design?

WordPress rocks polka dot socks. Yes, rocks. As much as I hate paying for a theme when they can be so easily obtained as open source or hamfistedly* coded, Thesis may be worth a look. A developetrs license may be

Posted in Fiddling & Time Wasters, Stock, Tutorial, Typography, Web