Blog Archives

Copyediting Tip

Singular: barista, baristae, baristae, baristum, barista
Plural: baristae, baristarum, baristis, baristas, baristis
(First Declension Feminine: nominative, genative, dative, accusitive, ablative)

Posted in Amusement, Cleverness & Wit

Hey Gordon you’re so fine…

Visual Arts informed by typography. Excellent.

Posted in Amusement, Artists & Designers, Design Ethics, Actions & Impact, Typography, Visual Concepts

A mother had 17 cows and three children…

then she died. =or= A lesson in typesetting.

Posted in Amusement, Course Related, Education, Resources, Typography, Vocation & Profession

Movie Reviews- In Comic Format

Dry humor, little known cult classics and excellent stuff all-around!

Posted in Amusement, Color Theory, Drawing, Visual Concepts

I flip my latkes in the air sometimes…

singin’ “ehhh-ohh let’s spin the dreidel!”

Posted in Amusement, Cleverness & Wit, Fiddling & Time Wasters