Blog Archives

Excuses for Lazy Designers and Developers

(Because if you are on this site you are probably procrastinating anyway.)

Posted in Amusement, Cleverness & Wit, Fiddling & Time Wasters, Vocation & Profession

Are Hallow Icons Harder to Understand

Take the test. Decide for yourself.

Posted in Amusement, Design Ethics, Actions & Impact, Design Theory, Information, User Interface Design, Visual Concepts, Vocation & Profession

Conscientiousness Matters, At Least If You Want A Degree

A short, and interesting study,

Posted in Education

Nice Maps Ya Got There

Low Cost Vector Maps

Posted in Information, Stock, User Interface Design, Visual Concepts

One Line Webserver

For when you just need to save a file but don’t have time to install a web server…

Posted in Technical Geekery, Tutorial, Useful Code, Web