Blog Archives

Pro Gloria et Patria

Are you one of those naive souls who believes design can save the world? (Well, it can. That’s not the point here.) This book provides ample evidence that you, me and everyone else working in design are monkey-fisted, tools of the man!

Posted in Amusement, Course Related, Design History, Visual Concepts

Cogent Design Philosophy in Three Easy Branches

Philosophic types maintain that there are three branches of inquiry not including your questions regarding your neighbor’s sexual orientation. (And that isn’t your business anyway.)

Posted in Amusement, Course Related, Design History, Design Theory

Don’t Google Pre-Press Terms

“Trap Spread Choke” is not a phase to type into google image search. I googled these terms so you wouldn’t have to. Donations are gratefully accepted via PayPal.

Posted in Course Related, PrePress

Wow! This is a demo post!

This one is going out to you, Patricia!

Posted in Amusement, Course Related, Education, Portfolio Workshop, Resources

…But I Tutorialize

Are you rapidly nearing your sell-by date without a full time position? Want to inject some freshness into a portfolio of inhouse projects? The free tutorials at Computer Arts magazine can’t be beat.

Posted in Amusement, Course Related, Drawing, Education, Portfolio Workshop, Resources, Tutorial, Typography, Visual Concepts, Vocation & Profession, Web