Blog Archives


If you love old, dusty, used books and their fantastic typographic and illustrative legacy, you’ve got to check out Hang Fire Books. Bask in the glow of letter pressed pages, unironic pulp illustrations and mid-century cover design.

Posted in Amusement, Course Related, Design History, Typography

A Font Designer’s Growth Curve

“Things that are seemingly so disparate seem to have a weird way of coming together,” says Mr. Kegler. “I used to run a record shop and some of the leftover packaging we had made ended up being used for our fonts.”

Posted in Artists & Designers, Course Related, Repost From Cited Source, Resources, Typography, Vocation & Profession

Papermaking Films

Ever wonder how paper is made? Do you need to know something about the process for a test? You are in luck!

Posted in Course Related, PrePress, Resources

Your business card is crap!

And I thought 80# Strathmore was a decent stock!

Posted in -, Amusement, Course Related, PrePress