Blog Archives

Typography Resources: New and Improved!

Thank you to Cat and her magical, type-resource-link finding prowess! The Typography page of the Resources section has been officially updated!

Posted in Amusement, Course Related, Education, Resources, Typography, Vocation & Profession

Steven will not take your questions.

Steven Heller, like our man Stefan Sagmeister, gets far too many inquiries from student designers to respond to with any thoroughness or ease. While [the royal] we noted Sagmeister’s website handled commonly asked questions, Heller has posted a helpful cover letter critique on the AIGA website, which also appears below. (I’ve included the nifty drop cap for your pleasure!) Does Ofazomi agree? Sort of, but not entirely.

Posted in Course Related, Editorial, Education, Portfolio Workshop, Repost From Cited Source, Resources, Vocation & Profession

Designing type is like driving a car…

…in that you need to get somewhere safely, hopefully with some style, ideally without being maimed or coming to the attention of law enforcement.

Posted in Amusement, Course Related, Education, Resources, Typography, Vocation & Profession

Typophobe / Typophile

Are you looking for an application to simulate color blindness? Do you want to know how to implement multiple baseline grids in InDesign? What is it about the Em Square that sets moveable type apart from calligraphic stroke and how is a digital world removing this difference after 500 years? These topics and so many more are on tap daily at Typophile.

Posted in Amusement, Course Related, Education, Resources, Typography, Vocation & Profession

Breath it in.

From the inspiration files come five layouts of type and texture. Check ’em out.

Posted in Amusement, Education, Resources, Visual Concepts, Vocation & Profession