Blog Archives

Easter Doodles

Chicks and ducks and bunnies better scurry!

Posted in Amusement, Craftiness, Drawing, Fiddling & Time Wasters

NASA’s Scientific Visualization Studio

Art + Science = Win

Posted in Amusement, Design Ethics, Actions & Impact, Drawing, Fiddling & Time Wasters, Technical Geekery, Visual Concepts

Tilt Shift: Makes the Real Look Unreal

(SpeckyBoy has some nice examples of tilt shift photos up on their site. A few are here as well as some links. Go read the whole thing.) Tilt shift photography makes real life look like a model train set. This

Posted in Color Theory, Fiddling & Time Wasters, Repost From Cited Source, Tutorial, Visual Concepts

Portland Vibe

Portland is the new northern California and west coast Brooklyn in one! If you are an under-employed designer with a bicycle, a rice-wine pickle recipe, and a dream, move there right away! In the meantime, read: What McDonald’s And Ikea

Posted in Amusement, Fiddling & Time Wasters

Just in time for Valentine’s Day!

Take the full 11 months to make a masterful mix tape, modern style.

Posted in Amusement, Craftiness, Fiddling & Time Wasters