Typophobe / Typophile


Are you looking for an application to simulate color blindness? Do you want to know how to implement multiple baseline grids in InDesign? What is it about the Em Square that sets moveable type apart from calligraphic stroke and how is a digital world removing this difference after 500 years? These topics and so many more are on tap daily at Typophile.

Typophile is so freaking amazing I have to share it with you once more: it is a treasure trove of all things type. Check it out!

Posted in Amusement, Course Related, Education, Resources, Typography, Vocation & Profession

It’s not a skin, it’s a canvas.

LaptopTattoo (mama-tried.com)

Forget laptop “skins,” get your laptop tattooed at Mama-Tried.com. It’s not protective, just cool looking, ok.

Posted in Amusement, Visual Concepts

Breath it in.

From the inspiration files come five layouts of type and texture. Check ’em out.


Posted in Amusement, Education, Resources, Visual Concepts, Vocation & Profession

Illustration: Medieval Book Style

Judith and Holofernes LXIXr: Beloit CollegeSun and Moon LXXVIr Beloit College

The illustrations of the Nuremberg Chronicle are online courtesy of Beloit College! Why do you care? Well, produced in the 1480s, “the Chronicle is probably the most sophisticated printed book published before the year 1500 because of its use of different graphic layouts that integrate text and image in more varied ways than anything that had previously been attempted.” The book features illustrations by a teenaged Albrecht Dürer completed while working under apprenticeship to Michael Wohlgemut, and a custom production run of laid paper with distinctive watermarking. The whole affair was printed by the over one hundred unnamed printers, typesetters and assistants employed by Anton Koberger, one of Nuremberg’s, and concequently Europe’s, largest print houses and publishers. Lesson of the day: location, location, location. 1480’s Nuremberg = 2010’s San Jose.

(Folios, history and general information are also available through thanks to the hard work of Beloit and the magic of the world-wide-interwebs.)

Posted in Amusement, Course Related, Design History

We’re going on a bear hunt! We’re not afraid!


How often have you fought internally over your decision to become a graphic designer instead of park ranger?

  • Where is the adventure?!
  • Where are the wild animals?!
  • Where could I be woefully underpaid this very moment instead of being here staring at a screen?!
  • Why can’t I wear a snappy uniform without attracting odd comments?!

Let your soul be torn asunder no longer!

Option 1:

The National Park Service has volunteer opportunities for graphic design interns! A current, rolling opportunity exists for a New Media Designer at Golden Gate Recreational Area in San Francisco. Check here for more information! Think of the adventure, the wild nightlife, the high cost of living in SF for a semester and, of course, the fabulous uniform!

Option 2:

Alternately, you might procure (cardboard) moose head for your wall. It’s a similar amalgamation of designer / outdoors(wo)man. The bonus is you skip out an all the hard work of an internship. The downside is you miss a year of moose steaks but as a regular reader you know where the lazy can procure wild game meat, anyway.

Posted in Amusement, Course Related, Education, Portfolio Workshop, Resources, Vocation & Profession