Quote of the Decade (Noted a Century Ago)

“You have not yet lived all the days of your life.”

-Lydia Wolfram Boettcher

Posted in Amusement

Which computer should I buy?

The latest response to the perennial question lives here.

Posted in Education, Resources, Vocation & Profession

Oh, la-la, la-la-la, la-la-la. Polygamy suits you, Mrs. Eaves

Who knew that Mrs. Eaves would ever marry; and to brothers at that?! Sans strikes one as a better match than his younger brother, Modern. Italic, however, is far more sophisticated and easily impresses between the style-sheets, not that I know in a biblical sense, I’m just sayin’… Check out the whole, scandalous family for yourself over at Emigre.



Posted in Course Related, Typography

Labor of Love

The U.S. government has produced another update to the occupational outlook handbook! Horray! Check out the latest graphic design wages, employment stats and more!

More Jobs!

Posted in Resources, Vocation & Profession

Tres Logos


Posted in Amusement, Course Related, Typography, Visual Concepts