Forcing Priorities in UX Design

(Major Hat Tip: This helpful idea and downloadable comes from

The question is often faced of what to implement and when. How do we churn through a backlog of work (in this case design and interface features) in the most effective way possible. One suggestion is making prioritization a game.


The “Buy-A-Feature” game requires a committee of decision makers to, um, make decisions. How often have you asked “what is important now” only to be told “all of it”? Money and time are limited. Politics may kill the project. “Buy-A-Feature” may be the way out.

As [] has already mentioned the ‘Buy a feature’ design game is a great way of getting people to choose the features that they would like to be available for a given product. Like all the best design games it’s very simple to play, but provides incredibly useful feedback. … ‘Buy a feature’ is a great means of exploring which features people are likely to find desirable in a product and why. Will someone blow their entire budget on a few monster features or instead buy lots of smaller ones? It can be useful for helping to determine which features to include for a product, for prioritising a product backlog (i.e. feature set) and for exploring the initial requirements for a product. After all, there’s no point in designing a fantastic new feature if it’s never going to be used by people in the first place.

List Your Features

Before you can play “Buy-A-Feature” you must gather and list everyone’s desired features and ideas. Committee members will have different ideas about what features they would like included in your project. Further,

…every product will be different, but the list might include:

  • Features that have been suggested by users
  • Features that have been implemented by rival products
  • Features that have come out of user research
  • Features that have been identified as desirable during a phase of market research.

Be ruthless in your search for features and ideas. You want every possible idea on the table to avoid working backward to shoehorn in someone’s cousin’s idea of a great new whatever because it wasn’t considered initially.

How to Play

These different features will take different amounts of effort to implement. Price that effort accordingly and list it on these handy feature cards from Force committee members to collectively prioritize changes by issuing fake money and asking them to individually of collectively spend their small allotment on what they find most important. “By being mean and only providing enough cash to buy a limited set of features players are forced to choose those features they most want.” Use the results to list order of priority and review it with the committee.


Priorities determined! Get to work!

Posted in Amusement, Repost From Cited Source, Resources, Vocation & Profession

Thanks For Your Share -or- Add the Google+ Share Button to Your Sites

To place a Google+ share button on a page, copy/paste the following code anywhere in your HTML file:


<script src=""></script> <g:plus action="share" annotation="bubble"></g:plus>


Done. Go have a look-see and you will find something like this:

But wait, there’s more! Head on over to to dig into some custom css goodness and integration with WordPress Conditional tags. Check out the Google developer’s page for other tips.

(Thanks to PerishablePress for the share.)


Posted in Fiddling & Time Wasters, Technical Geekery, Web

Study Graphic Design! For Free! At Home! In Your Spare Time!

University has its place, but without self-education we are lost. Go check out Noupe posts here and here and let the adventure begin! An example listing is below: (The click takes you to Noupe, not SmartHistory)

Posted in Amusement, Color Theory, Copywriting, Course Related, Design Ethics, Actions & Impact, Design History, Design Theory, Drawing, Editorial, Education, Fiddling & Time Wasters, Mad Props, Packaging, Persons of Interest, Portfolio Workshop, PrePress, Repost From Cited Source, Resources, Scholarship, Space, Stock, Stuff To Do, Technical Geekery, Tutorial, Typography, Useful Code, User Interface Design, Visual Concepts, Vocation & Profession, Web

Shipping Container Architecture

Reduce, reuse, recycle. (Though if we weren’t buying so much stuff we wouldn’t have so many of these containers around, eh.) The trend in shipping container architecture is getting more interesting. “How Buildings Learn” by Stewart Brand provides some interesting background on this reuse.


Posted in Amusement, Design Ethics, Actions & Impact, Design Theory, Space

Job Interview Questions

The only three true job interview questions are:

1. Can you do the job?
2. Will you love the job?
3. Can we tolerate working with you?

(via Forbes)

Posted in Employment