It Lives!

For those of you now following this little piece of ofazomatic flotsam in the internet stream of life: free portfolio websites. Many have already taken advantage of this new functionality including B3 Studios. Not everyone has been upgraded to full functionality in the last five days but it is being worked on.

Go now to the Studio! menu to claim your very own web site. These sites are limited to artists and designers doing artsy and designery things. It’s beta fish, so use caution. That said, have at it!

Posted in Amusement, Artists & Designers, Course Related, Design Ethics, Actions & Impact, Education, Employment, Fiddling & Time Wasters, Mad Props, Persons of Interest, Portfolio Workshop, Resources, Shameless Plug, Stuff To Do, Visual Concepts, Vocation & Profession, Web

Wonder Twin Powers Activate!

This very odd little tutorial repost from may come in handy so I’m throwing it up here. Thanks to Matt K.and his mother-in-law for getting the ball rolling on this one.

(Incidentally, on a sorta unrelated note, if you have any trouble with a wireless router taking passwords from your mac try entering it with a “$” at the beginning. It’s a weird Mac-Hexidecimal-Conversion thing. Thanks to Makosuke,whoever you are. Shine on you crazy diamond.)

How to Use Your Mac as a Wireless Router

What You Need

– Mac OS 10.3 or later
– AirPort Card
– Internet Access

If you’ve recently purchased an iMac (or any Mac, for that matter), chances are it came with a built-in AirPort card that allows you to connect to the Internet wirelessly. If you have cable or DSL service, but have yet to purchase a wireless router, then you’re in luck! You can turn your iMac into a wireless router for your home or small office. This allows you connect several computers to the Internet — all via your Mac’s wireless network!

Here’s how to do it:

  1. Take a look at this basic diagram of what’s needed. You’ll need a cable or DSL modem (which is typically provided by your Internet service provider);
    a Mac (with a built-in AirPort wireless card) which is connected to your modem via an ethernet cable; and any number of portable and/or desktop computers which have wireless capability.
  2. Next, you’ll need to configure your Mac (the one connected to your modem) to share its Internet connectivity with other wireless devices. To do this, select System Preferences from the Apple menu, and then click on Sharing.
  3. In the Sharing window, click on the Internet tab to bring up Internet
    Sharing. Select Built-in Ethernet from the Share your connection menu. Then, select Airport in the “To computers using:” list.
  4. Click on the Airport Option button to configure some wireless security options. You probably don’t want to be sharing your wireless connection with the whole neighborhood! Enter a WEP password, which will be required from the others wishing to join your new wireless network.

We’ve found this to be an excellent solution for folks who don’t have a wireless router, but would like occasional wireless access in their home or small office.

Posted in Amusement, Fiddling & Time Wasters, Repost From Cited Source, Technical Geekery, Tutorial

Integrity has no need of rules. —Albert Camus

That was it. You were expecting more, weren’t you. Sorry, I’m on holiday.

Posted in Amusement

2011 Graphic-Design-O-Scope.


Do NOT start your own studio in 2011. I know how you are when you get an idea in your head, but this is NOT the year. Grit your teeth, lay out another newsprint advert for Kevin’s Kounty Kattle Kastration and dedicate yourself to others by donating fifty hours of pro bono work for the defenders of liberty and pursuers of justice.  Lucky Color: PMS 3995


2011 is a year for you to step away from the computer and/or window. The world is out there but you will never experience lasting anger and jealousy until you abandon your voyeuristic pleasures and meet real people. Avatars don’t count. Go find a special friend in your very own community! Lucky Color: PMS 684


You are so good looking! Lucky Color: All of ’em.


You should pray. 2011 is a year to really go for the gold ring, reach for the stars and push the envelope! It’s gonna hurt. Buck up, camper. Learning is fun! Stop basking in cozy stability and start living: pursue your dreamsexplore new hobbies, meet new people. (And pray. Pray really hard.) Lucky Color: PMS 426


You’re feelin’ good, but in 2011, stop trying to be the center of attention all the damn time. Stop fixating on whether the sequins on your shirt match the tulle on your pant hems. Just put on a jacket and get down to the spaghetti feed. Lucky Color: PMS 15-5519. (Textile)


Your due diligence, sound reasoning and record keeping will help you stay healthy in 2011. Also, stop eating fudge. Your pancreas is shot and Dr. Oscar Grunter is dead. Lucky Color: PMS 587 (Frothy Bile-Vomit Yellow)


Do NOT start your own studio in 2011. I know how you are when you get an idea in your head, but this is NOT the year. Grit your teeth, lay out another newsprint advert for Kevin’s Kounty Kattle Kastration and dedicate yourself to others by donating fifty hours of pro bono work for the defenders of liberty and pursuers of justice. And stop listening to that Aries in your life. You’re not twins. Lucky Color: PMS 3995


2011 is a year to shut up and get out of our hair! You are disingenuous, fight with everyone and twist situations to your benefits. Stop it! It’s not all about you against the world! Find a hobby or something. The stars say you’re due for some new friends in 2011. Go find ’em. Leave the rest of us alone for the year. Lucky Color: Process Yellow


2011 pick a plan. You’re thinking long term and it’s time to get serious. Will you become involved in user interface design, greeting card illustration, or re-tile the bath? Whatever you choose, stop leaving the rest of us hanging while you romp after your newest obsession. Keep in touch, kay. Lucky Color: Lite-Brite Orange


Go ahead and show the new you. The thousands spent on therapy and protein drinks are starting to pay off. For once, your ambitions aren’t running ahead of execution. You can make this work, it’s just that you need to get out there and learn some finesse. Consider 2011 a time to start getting out there. Learn. Reality Check Color: 00FF00


You are a good designer. Clients get top notch work. Coworkers get your assistance at a moment’s notice. You have a big heart and we love you for it. Please though, do not use Serpentine in 2011, OR EVER AGAIN. EVER. EVER. A certain other typeface is ready to move from casual friend to something more. It’s never going to happen as long as Serpentine is in the picture.  Lucky Color: PMS 208


We know you love Facebook but the multiple accounts are starting to freak out even your closest friends. And what’s up with the Mona Vie decals on your car? Please, adopt a single online persona and lay off the multi-level-marketing in 2011. Lucky Color: Registration

Posted in Amusement

Design Matters

Ok, it’s a commercial but stay with it. This was part of a contest. You can see other finalists here.

Posted in Amusement, Cleverness & Wit, Design Ethics, Actions & Impact, Design History, Design Theory, Repost From Cited Source, Visual Concepts