The Party is Over.

Ofazomi is back from holiday with a sun burn, a pocket full of agates, filthy sneakers and some excellent finds. I’ve missed you, little design-o-centric audience!

Posted in Editorial

Ingrid Brandth

Why do so many amazing and multidisciplinary designers hail from Scandinavian countries?

Certainly the arts are respected as vital social intitutions in these parts. But what else? What is the magic bullet? What is it that makes a place as specific as Scandinavian Europe so fertile for the design disciplines?

Posted in Amusement, Artists & Designers, Color Theory, Course Related, Drawing, Visual Concepts, Web

Red Carpet Treatment

Joshua DeMonte creates architectural “jewelry” His pieces are fantastic! How, exactly should they be classified? Art? Fashion? Industrial Design? Personal Architecture? Regardless, wouldn’t you want to work on a project with this mind? His portfolio site is here.

Posted in Amusement, Artists & Designers, Visual Concepts

But is it art?

A few months ago the head of a grad school arts program told me my art wasn’t. I felt honored. Here’s what artist Golan Levin, who, like me, works with computers, to make art has to say about that. (Click here is the movie below doesn’t work for you.)

Posted in Course Related, Design History, Design Theory, Editorial, Repost From Cited Source, Visual Concepts

Syrofoam Cups + Marker

Who is Boey?

One interesting artist.

You can check out more of his work here: You can buy his, eh-hem, overpriced, work here.

If you liked these you may also enjoy these other artists and designers! Love, Ofazomi

Posted in Artists & Designers, Craftiness, Drawing, Fiddling & Time Wasters, Persons of Interest, Visual Concepts