Publishing Is Dead.

In the next twenty years the very idea of the book will change radically. Look for interactive ebooks that link associatively to other things you have read, historical references, cinematic backdrops and quoted lines. “Reading” is about to become a less linear, more interactive affair for the reader. Who knows what kind of writing will emerge out of this technology. The political and cultural implications of innovation can hardly be concieved.

What a great time to start a magazine or small press! Seriously. New print-on-demand technologies allow one to both wet your feet and whet the appetite of potential readers with little capital outlay! Yes, the technology is changing “everything.” Unfortunately “everything” doesn’t include the approximately 2 billion people in the world without access to clean drinking water, electricity and basic literacy skills. Print is cheap, portable and accessable to the billions on the planet who are being left behind, but not exactly out of this great change. People still need print. You are just the person to design it. and are two of hundreds of on-demand printers that can be found on the internet right now. Check it out and get going.

Posted in Course Related, Education, PrePress, Resources, Vocation & Profession

Hue Knew?

X-rite, those folks that make fancy schmancy colorimeters and densitometers among other things have posted a fun color game online here. (Thanks to Sarah W.)

Posted in Amusement, Color Theory, Course Related

Yearbook Style

It’s spring time and a fresh new crop of faces are graduating into the job market asking for less money than you. Good thing you have more common sense than these idiot kids! Oh, You are and recent grad? Well you are certainly more beautiful than the fossils in the cubicles. Design is all about beauty, right?

This leads us to yearbook photos. You always wondered how your life would be different if you were born in 1992 /1982 / 1972 / 1962 / 1952 / 1942 / 1932. Now you can see just how great you would look in your yearbook photo! Consider the contempory grad photo:

How much lovelier it would be sporting a born-in-’40 style!

Check it out for yourself at If you like this, you will probably enjoy elfing yourself as well.

Posted in Amusement, Fiddling & Time Wasters, Web

Stop complaining about your broken computer and use a d*mn sharpie.

"Solitude" by Kim Daehyun

Feeling out of your depth on a project? The illustrations of of Korean artist Kim Daehyun are excellent inspiration for projects that hinge upon iconographic presentation of the ephemeral. You know the project… the client says something like: “We want the book jacket to represent the main character. He’s someone just learning to understand the meaning of family bonds and the cycle of life after the accidental death of his son. But don’t make it too sad, definately inspirational and kinda showing spirituality without being overtly religious. Oh- and we want images of masculinity but no photos. Really, lots of picture. Not too much type. It has to have at least one person on it- at least one. But don’t show any particular race or age. It’s more of a universal learning lessons kinda book.” Um, ok. I’ll get right on that. Sheesh! Beyond creative fodder for your next tough brainstorming session, Daehyun’s drawings are humorous as well. Check out “Solitude” above. To see others click on the drawing section of The titles are key to understanding the elegance of each visual solution. The simplified forms and markered means reveal concepts of incredible complexity. Well done.

Your Ego is Getting Bigger and Bigger

Tear Drop Competition

Posted in Amusement, Artists & Designers, Course Related, Design History, Drawing, Education, Resources, Visual Concepts, Vocation & Profession

iCon Creation

It’s pretty darn swift when your website has a custom icon when bookmarked on an iPod, iPad or iPhone. Here’s how you can create ’em:

Apple has allowed web publishers to create their own custom icons. And it’s easy to do – fire up your image editing program and create a new document that is 57 x 57 pixels. Once you’ve finished your design, save the image as a PNG and title it “apple-touch-icon.png” (no quotes). Then just upload it to the root folder of your web site. Safari will now choose your icon instead.

Posted in Amusement