Web Design Position In Chico

Build.com is hiring. (Thanks for the tip Darren N.)

Posted in Resources, Vocation & Profession

You can relate to me because I’m racially ambiguous…

The ad above and others in a similar vein can be found at ubykotex.com.

Posted in Amusement, Course Related, Mad Props, Visual Concepts

Ministry of Type

Oh, the loveliest sites can be stumbled across when searching for something completely odd, such as a compendium of airport iconography. Ministry of Type is one such delight. Please take a few moments to check it out.

Posted in Amusement, Course Related, Education, Resources, Typography, Visual Concepts, Vocation & Profession

Typography for Lawyers

Typography can clarify as well as obscure. <shameless plug> Take a look at the ofazomi.org downloadable contract samples, deliverables schedules samples and terms of service samples for a sample demonstration of the “clarity” part. </shameless plug> As for “obscuration” part, try to read just about any other seemingly straight-forward legal-form including, Attorney and Typographer Matthew Butterick argues, the infamous “butterfly ballot” shown above. While his argument is a bit, um, specious, resting as it does upon glyphic characters and the synonymity of layout and type choice, as well as hinting at implied collusion, we’ll let logic fall because we agree with the supposition. Got it? Well, whatever. Here’s the scoop: Luckily or ignobly, there are a handful of lawyers who have been trained in the typographic arts, including the aforementioned Mr. Butterick. He invites lawyers to embrace clarity through type. While ofazomi.org enjoys the irony of his quest, his website is an excellent typographic primer. Check it out: Here.

Posted in Amusement, Course Related, Shameless Plug, Typography

MacBook Pro & CS5

Folks keep asking me what I think about the latest MacBook Pro releases and CS5. These people typically run CS4 on a year old MacBook. (Curiously, I am almost never asked about desk tops, only laptops. If you’re looking for bang for your buck, get a desktop. Whatever… people never listen.) To paraphrase photographer Ken Rockwell, here is what I think about the latest / greatest:

Once you have the skill to elicit great designs from one computer and software combination, you can get them from any computer and software combination. It’s like pianos: a 9-foot Bösendorfer may be a better piano than the upright at the local bar, but if you can’t play the piano, you won’t get good music out of any of them. Anyone can bang on a piano and anyone can use MacBook Pro and CS5, but it takes an artist to get decent results from either one. The sad part is how many well-meaning people think design is as simple as buying a new computer and loading the latest software.

Currently I use a five year old MacMini running CS2. I will probably upgrade this year. There are now enough time saving updates to justify the expense. But, SERIOUSLY, your computer is the least of your worries when trying to excel at your vocation.

Posted in Course Related, Editorial, Education, Repost From Cited Source, Resources, Vocation & Profession