Why were mental institution walls painted green?

Christopher Payne, "Asylum: Inside the Closed World of State Mental Hospitals"

Getting to that answer offers some interesting tidbits of historical trivia and pre-bauhaus color theory. You can check these details out yourself at www.colourlovers.com. While you  are there you can find out why brides wear “something blue,” how conservatism came to be associated with the color red, the Sapphic/Shakespearian origins of the phrase “green with envy,” and the most popular color of highlighter pen in the US.

Oh yeah…
The short answer to the original question about green walled mental institutions? There was a Victorian boom in asylum construction with it’s related color palettes and a belief in the curative effects of the color green. Green is associated with springtime, grass, leaves, outdoors, all that. Victorians associated outdoor activities with health. For some reason poor kids who worked in coal mines and factories were less healthy than rich kids who played in the parks. Obviously, the color green was behind it all. Green + sunlight = health. Now go outside.

Posted in Amusement, Color Theory, Course Related, Repost From Cited Source, Visual Concepts

Downloadable Design Contract Templates / Samples

You asked for ’em, you’ve got ’em!

I am not a lawyer, business consultant, member of the SBA or in any conceiveable way qualified to offer advice on business, contracts or law. Do not trust me. I offer no implied warranties or expertise. The sample below is just that, a sample. Be sure to contact your local county and/or city clerk, state taxation authority, business lawyer, cpa and all applicable laws before coming up with your own contracts. Got it? Good.

This sample contract is offered as a helpful example under the Creative Commons copyright license. You may copy, reuse, reprint or edit this contract sample to serve your purposes for any use, commercial or non-commercial but you must in turn share alike. (You can’t sell any derivative contracts or agreements as templates but you may post them freely.)
Many students begin their freelancing careers without even a boilerplate contract. Below is my show and tell.

Print and Fill Contract Template: ContractForGraphicDesigners

PDF Form Contract Templates: LiveContractForGraphicDesigners

Posted in Resources, Vocation & Profession

Live Brain-storming and Vis-u-al Re-search…

Google image swirl!  Check it out!

If you liked this image finding site you may also like this one or some of these other mission-critical time-wasters! Love, Ofazomi

Posted in Amusement, Course Related, Education, Fiddling & Time Wasters, Resources, Visual Concepts, Vocation & Profession, Web

Understated, Humanist, Sans- and Great with Fish

There are some dozen faces designed by Jos Buivenga available for free download from Ex Ljbris Font Foundry.  Fontin Sans is a complete family and completely free for both personal and commercial use. I would have direct downloads available but Jos has requested that you stop by yourself and take a gander at all the licensing stuff. Have at it!
Regular, Italic, Bold, Bold Italic and Small Caps

Regular, Italic, Bold, Bold Italic and Small Caps

Kerning Pairs

Kerning Pairs

Fontin Sans (left) & Fontin Semi (right)

Fontin Sans (left) & Fontin Semi (right)

Fontin Sans (darkblue) is clearly family of Fontin (magenta).

Fontin Sans (darkblue) is clearly family of Fontin (magenta).

Posted in Course Related, Education, Resources, Typography, Vocation & Profession

I’ll take human resources training for $1000.

Make your own studio training game at jeopardylabs.com.

(yep. that’s it.)

If you liked this, you may also like these other clickables! Love, Ofazomi

Posted in Amusement, Fiddling & Time Wasters