Flashmaster Jon


Jon Ruppel is an interactive designer / artist working out of Los Angeles at Schematic. His personal portfolio website is absolutely on the money. Be sure to check out the “options” panel and the “isometric” piece. His website itself is an example of the type of user interaction that is his hallmark. Also, it’s a heck of a lot of fun to play around there.


Posted in Amusement, Artists & Designers, Course Related, Portfolio Workshop, Visual Concepts, Web

Redesigned Resources Section!



You’ve noticed the posts have slowed a bit. It’s not that I don’t care. Check out the reworked, revamped and expanded resources section! You can now find out how to write a cover letter, design a logo and check out an ever expanding selection of discipline specific links. So check them out already.

Posted in Course Related, Education, Portfolio Workshop, Resources, Vocation & Profession

It’s not the job, it’s the niche.


So what qualifies as a ‘best job’ now?

Brian: A position with design authority and an environment that fosters experimentation, exploration, and continuous learning; a job that accepts occasional failures in the pursuit of excellence. A satisfying design process has become as rewarding as the outcome. (from NotesOnDesign.net)

When you are hungry for work, who cares. When you begin to scale Maslow’s little pyramid finding a job that really fits becomes increasingly important. In this stressful, jobless time why spend time thinking about your ideal job? Spend some time thinking about it because in this stressful time, an ideal job it may just land in your lap without your notice. Ofazomi, your helpful prognosticator, isn’t kidding. It happens all the time. You may not know if you have your ideal job. Sorry. Step back for a moment.


Pronunciation: \?nich also ?n?sh or ?nish\

Function: noun

Etymology: French, from Middle French, from nicher to nest, from Vulgar Latin *nidicare, from Latin nidus nest — more at nest

Date: 1611

1 a : a recess in a wall especially for a statue b : something that resembles a niche

2 a : a place, employment, status, or activity for which a person or thing is best fitted <finally found her niche> b : a habitat supplying the factors necessary for the existence of an organism or species c : the ecological role of an organism in a community especially in regard to food consumption d : a specialized market

Ideally your job, or ideal job, will live at the intersection of integrity, excellence and financial stability. An easier way to remember this is “Thrills-Skills-Bills.” You need a job you feel thrilled about, at which have the skills, whether incipient or fully realized to be the best-of-the-best and that pays you a reasonable wage, enough to cover all your bills.


How do you do this? Glad you asked! It is ever so easy to find your professional niche! Simply download and print this handy guide to devine your vocational future!

Posted in Course Related, Portfolio Workshop, Resources, Vocation & Profession

Shape of Photoshop comp! Form of live web site!


The Line25.com tutorial here and attached as a pdf screen print is perfect for learning how to turn your comp into code. The instructions are easy! The structure is clean! You will love it! Thanks to Josh D. for this tip!

Posted in Course Related, Education, Repost From Cited Source, Resources, Tutorial, Vocation & Profession, Web

Why didn’t the printer buy the press?

It made a bad first impression.


Frank Muniz owns and operates all copyright associated with this joke. It is retold under exclusive permission of the author. The creation of deriviative jokes is expressly forbidden. Limited rights may be granted to tell this joke at your next design gathering by contacting the author directly at his website, franklinmuniz.com. (Thanks Frank!)

Posted in Amusement, Course Related, PrePress, Repost From Cited Source